Ag in the Classroom Logo

Wyoming County Ag in the Classroom

Ag in the Classroom Logo

Wyoming County Ag in the Classroom


About Wyoming County Ag in the Classroom

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wyoming County is pleased to offer the Agriculture in the Classroom program to both Wyoming and Erie County schools. Ag in the Classroom focuses on educating students about agriculture and strengthening their connection to the agriculture in their community. Students delve into hands on activities designed to cultivate their knowledge and interest in agriculture as viable future career option. Agriculture in the Classroom of CCE Wyoming and New York Agriculture in the Classroom are pleased to lead the way into the future by helping teachers integrate agriculture into local school curriculum. It is our pleasure to assist educators in helping their students learn how the food they eat and the fibers they wear get from farm to table.


Ag in the Classroom - Available Lessons


  Click here to see the Wyoming County Ag in the Classroom Brochure

Last updated June 4, 2024