delicious destinations


"Delicious Destinations" Exploring Foods around the world!

  • Monday, April 14, 2025, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Explore the different cuisines around the world, along with their cultures and heritage! There are hundreds of cultures and cuisines across the globe, we challenge you, as 4-H independent and club members, to select a country and research the origins of the foods they eat and their culinary histories and traditions! 

It’s easy! As a club (or independent member), pick a nation in the world you are interested in exploring! (No US regions). Over the next several months, gather information on the region’s cuisine, including styles of cooking or special dishes, and the history or origins of the food item(s) or recipes. 

As an opportunity to highlight what members learn from participating in this experience, Wyoming County 4-H will host a ‘Delicious Destinations – Exploring Foods throughout the World’ event on Monday evening, April 14th, 2025. In planning for an evening that will be interesting and enjoyable for everyone, your club (or independent members) should be prepared to: 

  • Share samples of a food/dish that is representative of your region/city with other participants.
  • All food samples must be prepared prior to the event, and prepackaged for distribution
  • Plan a short presentation (5 minutes max) to share what you have learned with others.
  • Put together a small display highlighting what you learned by participating in the project (i.e. posters, photographs, clothing, recipes, etc.)

Pre-registration is required as spacing is limited. This will provide a great opportunity for everyone to discover ‘delicious destinations’ by sampling foods and sharing information, without leaving Wyoming County (or even the room)! Call the 4-H office for questions or to sign up by April 1st!


Sarah Clark
4-H Community Educator
585-786-2251 ext 112


Agriculture & Business Center
36 Center Street
Warsaw, NY 14569

Last updated March 10, 2025