February 26, 2021 Friday News
Wyoming County 4-H
Friday News
February 26, 2021
During COVID-19 we want to make sure we
are keeping all of our 4-H families up to date as much as we possibly can! The
entire Wyoming county 4-H staff is here for anything you and your families may
need during this time so please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us with
your question(s)!
Public Presentation
- Thank you to the 56 youth who participated in our virtual public
presentations program!! And a special thanks to our judges. Evaluations,
certificates and prizes are now available for pickup at the 4-H office.
Teen Council…
- Our next meeting will be March 15, 2021 at 07:00 PM.
Register in advance for this meeting:
https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrfuyrrjooGNG8UyWHb8jCasOuy7RrGmOl (Meeting Concluded)
registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about
joining the meeting. This month we will play BINGO and have a quick chat
about volunteering for 4-H cookie sorting at the end of the month.
Meat Animal Updates…
Virtual Livestock Skill-a-thon - This
event will be live on Kahooot! from 9AM till 5PM on Saturday, March 6th.
Register here: https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/Skillathon_256
before 3/6 in order to receive the game link. This event will satisfy the
educational requirement to show beef, sheep, or pigs at the fair! If you
have questions beforehand, email hmh62@cornell.edu.
Market Hog Selection Zoom Meeting
- Thursday, April 1st at 7:00PM we will have an online
session to learn about selecting your next market hog projects. Danny
Ahrens, a swine producer and hog show judge from Ohio will join us to talk
about starting your project off on the right foot! Please register using
this link https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/WYCO4-Hmarkethog_256email or email hmh62@cornell.edu. This event will
satisfy the educational requirement to show beef, sheep, or pigs at the fair!
Market Poultry Updates…
Market Poultry Project
Registration - Details for the market poultry project were shared on page 18 of
the February 4-H News. You can register for the project and order chicks
here https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/WYCO4-Hmarketpoultry_256 or by filling out the form in the 4-H
Poultry Project ZOOM Q&A - We will host a Zoom meeting on March 16th at
7:00pm to discuss and answer any questions about this year’s program. Register
in advance for the meeting here:
(Meeting Concluded) and after registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.
Virtual Dairy Discovery…
- Dairy Discovery is a state-wide
event for youth ages 14-19. This is a free event for youth. Below is the list
of dates and topics to be discussed. To register go to Dairy Discovery Virtual
Workshops | NYS 4-H Youth Development Program (cornell.edu). Youth must
register by March 1, 2021.
- Thursday, March 4, 2021 @ 6pm - CALS Cornell presented by Heather Marcotte, Director of
Admissions. Animal Welfare and Herd Health presented by Dr. Melanie
Hemenway, Coordinator of NYSCHAP
- Thursday, March 11, 2021 @ 6pm - Morrisville College presented by Dr. Ashley Marshall and
Dr. Steve Mooney. Dairy Nutrition and Ration Formulation presented by Dr.
Tom Overton, Cornell Animal Science Department
- Thursday, March 18, 2021 @ 6pm - SUNY Cobleskill presented by Kimberly Tarvis and Carrie
Edsall. Colostrum and calves presented by Megan Wildman,
- Thursday, March 25, 2021 @ 6pm - Alfred State College presented by Dr. Dorothea
Fitzsimmons and Admissions. Heifer Economics 101 presented by Jason Karszes,
Virtual Hippology...
- This event will be live on
Kahoot! from 9AM till 5PM on Saturday, March 27th. Register
here: https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/hippology_256 before
3/26 in order to receive the game link. This event will satisfy the
educational requirement to show horses at the fair! If you have questions
beforehand, email sac347@cornell.edu.
Registration for Animal Crackers…
- This
statewide program will be held virtually during the month of May. Check
out page 14 of the February 4-H News for complete details and email hmh62@cornell.edu if you are interested in
participating. There is a $50 registration fee but that includes a
workshop material kit and eight sessions!
Pheasant Orders Due…
- Pheasant orders are due by March 1, 2021. Participants will
receive day old pheasants to raise until 8 weeks old. They then need to be
released on non-posted land. If you are interested or have more questions
please contact Stephanie at sal294@cornell.edu.
4-H Staff Email Contacts
Holly Harwood: hmh62@cornell.edu
Sarah Clark: sac347@cornell.edu
Stephanie Luders: sal294@cornell.edu
Alesia Ackerman: aea92@cornell.edu
General 4-H: wyomingcounty4h@cornell.edu
Last updated November 2, 2023