friday news

May 7, 2021 4-H Friday News

Wyoming County 4-H

Friday News

May 7, 2021

During COVID-19 we want to make sure we are keeping all of our 4-H families up to date as much as we possibly can! The entire Wyoming county 4-H staff is here for anything you and your families may need during this time so please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us with your question(s)!

Clothing Revue!…

  • Clothing Revue! *Location Change!* - The Wyoming County 4-H Clothing Revue will be held this evening, May 7th at 7:30pm at the Ag & Business Center in Warsaw (36 Center Street).

Meat Animal Updates…

  • Reminder that the meat animal pig weigh-in is this Friday and Saturday. The meat animal lamb weigh-in will be Thursday, May 13th.Information can be found in the April 4-H News. Contact Holly for more details.
  • Livestock Educational Events: The swine and sheep Kahoot games are coming up. To register for either event

Dairy Judging…

  • There is still time to sign up for dairy judging. Contact Stephanie at or (585) 786-2251 to register today!

Dairy Grade & Lease Paperwork…

  • Paperwork is due to the 4-H office by June 1, 2021. You can find grade and leased animal certificates by clicking this link. Dairy Grade Certificate

Dairy Bowl…

  • Saturday, May 22 at 10:00AM 4-H Camp Wyomoco, 2780 Buffalo Rd. Varysburg, NY-Pre-Registration is required for the contest. Youth may register individually or as a team. Please be considerate of the deadlines listed below- canceling a team at the last minute makes things very difficult. Registration is due by May 14, to register please email Stephanie at or call the 4-H office at (585) 786-2251. If youth are looking for study materials please contact Stephanie and she will provide packets.

Local Dairy Sale…

  • If youth are looking for high quality dairy project animals Co-Vista Holsteins will be holding a sale on Saturday, May 22nd at 11 AM. They will have 80 head of high quality, local animals, for sale. The sale is located at their heifer barn at 13669 Genesee Rd. Chaffee, NY 14030. If families have questions they can email Stephanie at

Horse Updates…

Don’t forget to call the 4-H office or email Sarah at to pre-register for events!

  • May 22nd 10AM– Western Equitation Clinic at Diana Henry’s in Bliss *Bring your own horse to this event if possible!
  • Rider Evaluation Immediately following! Click HERE to register for the Rider Evaluation!
  • Horse Certificates are due June 1st!

Market Goat Weigh-In…

  • The market goat weigh-In date and time has been changed. Please call the 4-H office at (585) 786-2251 to find out more information.

Delicious Destinations...

  • Registration for this event is due May 21st! We will be holding this event at camp, or at our office depending on the amount of participation. Click HERE for more event details.

Giant Vegetable…

  • Pick up of sunflower and pumpkin seeds and plants will be this upcoming Wednesday, May 12th 6:30-7:30pm. If you also ordered gladiola bulbs, you can pick those up the same evening! Our office will be open for pickup of your seeds and plants beginning May 13th.

Gladiola project update…

  • If you missed this week’s pickup, please stop by the office between the hours of 8:30-4:30pm to pick yours up! If you do not pick them up by May 15th, your reservation will be released to those on the waitlist.

Teen council…

4-H Staff Email Contacts

Holly Harwood:

Sarah Clark:

Stephanie Luders:

Alesia Ackerman:

General 4-H:


Alesia Ackerman
Senior Administrative Assistant
585-786-2251 ext 110

Last updated November 3, 2023