friday news

April 23, 2021 - 4-H Friday News

Wyoming County 4-H

Friday News

APRIL 23, 2021

During COVID-19 we want to make sure we are keeping all of our 4-H families up to date as much as we possibly can! The entire Wyoming county 4-H staff is here for anything you and your families may need during this time so please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us with your question(s)!

We’re back!…

  • Our 4-H staff members are back in the office on a regular basis and excited to be doing more in-person programming. Keep in mind that as meeting guidance changes, we will be able to host more events or have to pull back as needed. Check out the latest newsletter (April) for more current events!

Meat Animal Updates…

  • Beef – Thank you to everyone for brining your project animals for weighing and tagging on short notice this past weekend. The event ran smoothly and we appreciated your cooperation!
  • Swine – Beginning packets are in the mail and were also emailed this week. If you are interested but don’t receive information, call the 4-H office. Weigh-in is Friday, May 7th from 4:00pm till 8:00pm or Saturday, May 8th from 9:00am till 11:00am. Held at the Wyoming County Fairgrounds. Register for an available timeslot here:
  • Lambs – Beginning packet are in the mail and were also emailed this week. If you are interested but don’t receive information, call the 4-H office. Weigh-in is Thursday, May 13th from 5:00pm till 8:00pm.Held at the Wyoming County Fairgrounds. (lambs must weigh between 35 and 75 pounds) Register for an available timeslot here:

TSC paper clover campaign

  • The Spring TSC Paper Clover Campaign kicks off on April 28th and runs through May 9th.Support from this fundraiser helps fund our county award trip programs so be sure to thank our local TSC stores for their commitment to the program and be sure to donate at checkout!

Dairy Judging…

Dairy virtual showmanship clinic…

  • Dairy Virtual Showmanship Clinic - SUNY Morrisville’s Dairy Club is hosting a virtual showmanship clinic on Saturday, April 24th at Noon. They will discuss how to properly fit an animal, wash an animal, and what to do in the showring. To register for this event please email Dr. Ashley Marshall at or Gavon Darfler at and they will send you a link.

Dairy bowl…

  • Saturday, May 22 at 10:00AM 4-H Camp Wyomoco, 2780 Buffalo Rd. Varysburg, NY - Pre-Registration is required for the contest. Youth may register individually or as a team. Please be considerate of the deadlines listed below- canceling a team at the last minute makes things very difficult. Registration is due by May 14, to register please email Stephanie at or call the 4-H office at (585) 786-2251. If youth are looking for study materials please contact Stephanie and she will provide packets.


  • Saturday, May 8th 10:00am Beaver Meadows Audubon Center 1610 Welch Rd., Java Center - Supplies youth need: Pen, paper, GPS Unit or Smart Phone with the Geo-caching Application (we can break up into groups if you don’t have a phone) and appropriate footwear for hiking. To register for the event call the 4-H office at (585) 786-2251 or email Stephanie at

Clothing revue...

  • Our annual clothing revue will be at Camp Wyomoco, Friday May 7th. Designs for our program cover contest are due next Wednesday the 28th! Don’t forget our theme this year is “The Roaring 20’s!”.

Event Registration…

  • Don’t forget to email or call the 4-H staff to register for upcoming events! The Mother’s Day flower arrangement and herbs of fun are almost full – pre registration is required for events as we need to monitor the number of people in attendance.

Can you tell me how to get to the Wyoming County Fair the 4-H project way? …

  • In the April edition of the 4-H News there was information on what is needed to exhibit most major 4-H project areas at fair. It can be found on pages 22-23.If you have questions about particular requirements, please give us a call at the 4-H office so we can help you!

Gladiola project update…

  • The pickup date for gladiola bulbs has been changed from this Friday, to Tuesday May 4th 6:30PM-7:30PM for a drive thru pickup at our office parking lot (36 Center Street, Warsaw). The bulb supplier delayed shipment, for fear they might freeze during the unseasonably cold snap we’ve experienced this week! If you are unable to pick up your bulbs during this time period, you will be able to stop by the 4-H office between 8:30-4:30pm Monday – Friday to pick them up. I will hold them until May 14th, after which the bulbs will be given to families on the waitlist to participate in the program. It is recommended to plant your bulbs in a staggered planting from the middle of May to the end, to ensure flowering for fair time. We’re planning ahead as if our regular fair shows will happen, but in case plans change, we will offer a similar experience to last year with an arrangement class and judging.

Market goat weigh-in…

  • Weigh-In is Thursday, May 13 from 5-8PM at the Wyoming County Fairgrounds. To receive more information about weigh-in, please email Stephanie at

4-H Staff Email Contacts

Holly Harwood:

Sarah Clark:

Stephanie Luders:

Alesia Ackerman:

General 4-H:


Alesia Ackerman
Senior Administrative Assistant
585-786-2251 ext 110

Last updated January 20, 2023