April 9, 2021 Friday News
Wyoming County 4-H
Friday News
April 9, 2021
During COVID-19 we want to make sure we
are keeping all of our 4-H families up to date as much as we possibly can! The
entire Wyoming county 4-H staff is here for anything you and your families may need
during this time so please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us with your
Meat animal updates…
- Beef - Saturday, April 17th is the
rescheduled date for our weigh-in and tagging event. It will take place at Empire Livestock,
Pavilion. Register for an available
timeslot here: https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/WYCOBEEFTAG_256
- Swine - Friday, May 7th from 4:00pm till
8:00pm or Saturday, May 8th from 9:00am till 11:00am. Held at the Wyoming
County Fairgrounds. Register for an
available timeslot here: https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/WYCOSWINETAGGING_256
- Lambs - Thursday, May 13th from 5:00pm
till 8:00pm.Held at the Wyoming County
Fairgrounds.(lambs must weigh between
35 and 75 pounds) Register for an available timeslot here:
- To reduce crowds and wait times at our
upcoming meat animal tagging and weigh-in event, we are asking everyone to
register for timeslots. You will register online through the links provided
above. Th-ere are a specific number of openings for each timeslot, and they
will be closed out when filled. You will register your family/truck/trailer
load in one timeslot as a group. It will be important to arrive during your
timeslot as close to the beginning of your appointment as possible, to keep the
lines running smoothly. When you arrive, please stay in vehicles until it is
your turn to unload and weigh. Masks will be required for everyone
participating in the weigh/tagging process. ¬is will allow us to operate within
our current meeting guidelines and run an efficient event as we gear up for
more summer activities. ¬Thank you in advance for helping us with these
Clothing revue…
- The clothing evaluation and revue are quickly approaching!
Clothing revue packets are in the mail to access this document digitally HERE
for more information. All entry blanks and commentaries are due to the 4-H
office no later than April 19th!!!
- Our dog obedience program
has begun!! It is not too late to register if you are still interested in this
program. Click the link HERE
for more information! Call the instructor of your choice to register!
Teen Council…
- We are moving to an in-person format for upcoming teen
meetings .Monday, April 19th is our next
meeting and will be from 7-8pm at the 4-H office, Warsaw. In order to keep our meeting numbers in
check, please register here: https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/WYCO4-HTeenCouncil_25
Western district
public presentations…
- Thank
you to all that participate in our county public presentation program! If you
were interested in participating in the district program this year, and have
not received an email regarding registration, please email Sarah at
sac347@cornell.edu for the registration link.
Dairy updates
Dairy Judging: Dairy judging will be starting on Thursday, April 29th and run
until June 14th. To count dairy judging as an educational requirement to show
at the Wyoming County fair, youth must attend 2 out of 8 farms. To be
considered for the Wyoming County Dairy Judging Team to compete at the NYS
Fair, youth must attend 5 out of 8 farms. Pre-registration is required because
we are limiting group size to 15 youth. To register for dairy judging go to https://pub.cce.cornell.edu/event_registration/main/events_landing.cfm?event=wy_co_4H_dairy_judging_256
Dairy Bowl: Saturday, May 22 at 10:00AM 4-H Camp Wyomoco, 2780 Buffalo Rd.
Varysburg, NY. Pre-Registration is required for the contest. Youth may register
individually or as a team. Please be considerate of the deadlines listed below-
canceling a team at the last minute makes things very difficult. Registration
is due by May 14, to register please email Stephanie at sal294@cornell.edu or
call the 4-H office at (585) 786-2251. If youth are looking for study materials
please contact Stephanie and she will provide packets.
Local Dairy Sale: If youth are looking for high quality dairy project animals
Co-Vista Holsteins will be holding a sale on Saturday, May 22nd at 11 AM. They
will have 80 head of high quality, local animals, for sale. The sale is located
at their heifer barn at 13669 Genesee Rd. Chaffee, NY 14030. If families have
questions they can email Stephanie at sal294@cornell.edu
Horse reminders…
- Horse
Leader’s Meeting this Monday, April 12th 7pm IN PERSON at the Ag & Business
Upcoming workshops…
Geocaching: Saturday,
May 8th 10:00am Beaver Meadows Audubon Center 1610 Welch Rd., Java Center. Supplies youth need: Pen, paper, GPS Unit or
Smart Phone with the Geo-caching Application (we can break up into groups if
you don’t have a phone) and appropriate footwear for hiking. To register for
the event, call the 4-H office at (585) 786-2251 or email Stephanie at sal294@cornell.edu
Mother’s Day Flower Arrangement Workshop: Saturday,
May 8th at 10am, Ag & Business Center. $5 per participant. Come
learn how to make a springtime flower arrangement, and have a homemade fit for
Mother’s Day, Sunday! Call the 4-H office or email Sarah at sac347@cornell.edu by April 30th
to register for this event.
Herbs of Fun Workshop: Tuesday,
June 22nd 7:00PM Ag & Business Center, 36 Center St, Warsaw. $5 per
participant. Learn about different edible herbs – like basil, parsley, dill,
and mint! And create your own container herb garden! All plants, soil, and containers
will be provided. Call the 4-H office or email Sarah at sac347@cornell.edu by
Tuesday, June 15th to register for this event.
4-H Staff Email Contacts
Holly Harwood: hmh62@cornell.edu
Sarah Clark: sac347@cornell.edu
Stephanie Luders: sal294@cornell.edu
Alesia Ackerman: aea92@cornell.edu
General 4-H: wyomingcounty4h@cornell.edu
Last updated January 20, 2023